Parish Council
Parish Council
The Parish Council consists of the Priest, and a number of elected lay members determined by the Parish by-laws. These members are responsible to the Parish Assembly and to the Diocesan Bishop for conducting all Parish affairs in keeping with the aims and purposes as herein before set forth. The Parish Council shall be deemed to mean also Board of Trustees or Board of Directors when such designations are required by local statute. Their sole purpose is to work together with the priest in fulfilling the needs of the parish. Elections are held annually at the end of each year. The Parish Council meets once a month. If you would like to contact any member on the parish council, please email
Current Council Members

President: Natalia Saratsiotis
Vice President: Jim Lekas
Treasurer: John Apostolou
Assistant Treasurer: Maria Spicer
Secretary: Sarah Drakopoulos
Assistant Secretary: Chad Ridley
Member-at-Large: Gray Yates