Some of the Ministries of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church
Click on our calendar to view upcoming meetings and dates for the ministries listed below
Parish Council
The Parish Council is elected by the members of the parish on a yearly basis to work with the priest to meet the needs of the Parish. Parish Council members are considered leaders of the community and representatives of the Orthodox Christian faith and their parish. They are expected to set an example for the parish and represent Christ to others.
Fellowship Groups
We offer several age-based groups to give our parishioners fellowship opportunities.
GOYA/Hope and Joy (Youth)
Adult Study Class
The Adult Study Class is currently meeting as the “Orthodoxy 201” class twice a month on a Saturday afternoon both in person and on Zoom. The purpose of this class is to learn more about the traditions on a day-to-day basis of our Orthodox Christian faith. Please see the calendar page for the class schedule or contact Fr. Theodore for more information or for the Zoom link!
Altar Servers
It is a privilege and an honor for our boys and young men to worship and serve in the holy sanctuary during the divine services. This ministry is for Orthodox Christian males who are regular church attenders and who typically are at least 8 years old. With the blessing of the priest, it is possible for younger boys to attend and observe. New altar servers typically commence their service in September, at the beginning of the ecclesiastic and school year. For more information please contact Fr. Theodore.
Greek School
Our Holy Cross Greek School meets every Sunday during the school year with the adult class and the youth class alternating Sundays. Please contact Greek School Director Maria Broinsevsky for more information.
Greek Dance
Our Holy Cross Greek Dance troupe works to perform at our yearly Central Georgia Greek Festival. Practices are every other Sunday, please see the calendar. You may also contact Greek Dance Director Antigone Michalakis for more information.
The Ushers play an important role in welcoming those who arrive for services and keeping good order (cf. 1 Cor 14:40) both during and after the service.
The Holy Cross Bookstore is open on most Wednesdays and every Sunday afternoon after the conclusion of the Divine Liturgy and by request. It has a plethora of Orthodox Christian offerings: books, icons, devotional items, and more. Please contact for more information or to schedule a visit.