North Wall

Overview of the North Wall

Please note that the icons depicted may not represent the final designs in all cases.

Click on the individual Icons to learn more about the incredible story of each Feast/Saint.

Myrrh-Bearing Women

Descent into Hades /

The Crucifixion

The Entrance into Jerusalem

Prophet Isaiah

Prophet Moses

St. Fotini

St. Paisios the Athonite

St. Cosmas Aitalos

St. Porphyrios
of Kavsokalyvia

St. Demetrios
the Myrrh-Streaming

St. Haralambos

St. Theodore
the Tyro

St. Paraskevi

St. Katherine

St. Barbara

Sts. Joachim and Anna with Theotokos

St. James,
Brother of the Lord

St. Paul
the Apostle

St. Mark
the Evangelist

St. Matthew
the Evangelist

St. Gregory Palamas