
The word Philoptochos translates into “Friend of the Poor.”

The Ladies Philoptochos Society of Holy Cross Greek Orthodox Church, Macon, is more than an organization. It’s a sisterhood of women devoted to serving God as He leads in supporting charitable and philanthropic causes in Middle Georgia, throughout America, and locations worldwide. By banding together in prayer in commitment, the Ladies of Philoptochos raise funds that help feed, clothe, and shelter the needy. Ours is a mission of service, rooted in Jesus’ command to love one another. We do so in humility and love, forming a small, but formidable army of spiritual grace in action.


Current Leadership

President: Cleo Bennette
1st Vice President: Helen Vardy
2nd Vice President: Emily Dermatas
Treasurer: Maria Bronisevsky
Recording Secretary: Beth Zoumberis
Corresponding Secretary: Rodica Cazacu
Advisor: Sarah Drakopoulos

To make a donation or a stewardship offering to Philoptochos, 
we accept Venmo (@HolyCross-Philoptochos)